One Proud Momma!

My boy is not a baby anymore :(

My boy is not a baby anymore 😦

Today my oldest graduated from PreKindergarten and I couldn’t be more happy and sad at the same time. This means he is no longer my baby boy either. I raised an independent, smart, mouthy, young man, but I don’t know if I am ready for him to grow up yet. Next year he will be in Kindergarten, going to school all day five days a week, and they don’t take naps anymore! Don’t get me wrong, I will be glad to have him going all day as opposed to this half-day, 3-hour bullshit but his sister will drive me crazy not having brother to play with in the mornings.

He is going to have a blast next year and I’m sure he would start tomorrow if he could. I hope he maintains that excitement about going to school. He is more than ready to move up, my only concern is that he may not be challenged enough. He will be older than most of his classmates, turning 6 soon after he starts next year, but he has doing things like addition and subtraction for over a year now. He is reading all by himself with very little help and I’m just afraid he will just be taught things he already knows. I am hoping in the next year or two to get him into the gifted program and then that will certainly ease my worries of him not being challenged.

Even though I am not too happy that he is growing up so fast I cannot wait to see how he does when he gets to high school. When he gets to choose his classes and decide how far he wants to push himself. I was very book smart too growing up (I lack in common-sense smarts a little though LOL) and I was always in accelerated English and I took Algebra 1 in eighth grade so I was always with much older students in my math classes. But towards the end of my junior year and all of my senior year I lost my drive, I took dumb classes or had free periods. I hope that my son can keep his drive even if I have to give him a little shove every now and then. I need him to grow up and be rich so he can buy me a nice house someday! As much as I want him to stay driven, the most I can do is make sure that he is always happy.

What’s in a name?


So maybe you are wondering why I named my blog this…and honest answer is I’m not sure, and everything else I could think of seemed to be taken LOL. I am a mother of two wonderful children, a little girl age 2 and a boy age 5. They are my world and I never go too long without thinking about them. I try not to spoil them too much but their closets would tell you otherwise. But am I  the most perfect mom, absolutely not! And here are some reasons why:

1. I yell much more than I would like to, of course some days are better than others but when I find them throwing around all the dvds we own I lose my cool a little, ya know!

2. I don’t always cook well-rounded meals. Now I’m sure every mom is guilty of this every now and then but I feel like I do it way to often. My most recent solution for this problem was to make a menu for every meal and snack and since I made it four days ago we have not followed it a bit. I did only buy the things I had on the menu so that’s a start, but it really sucks when I am craving something bad for me and I only got healthy crap LOL.

3. I let my kids watch too much tv. They are addicted to Netflix and they turn it on before they even wake me up in the mornings. I try to turn it off at least once a day and get them involved in doing something else but most of the time they are watching tv. They do make some good choices though and my 2 year knows how to count to 15 and say her ABCs and name almost all shapes and colors (thank you Leapfrog) but I sure wish it would help me with potty training!

4. I am not a super cleaner mom. I do not like to clean and I am horrible about waiting until things are so bad I can’t stand them so I give in and clean. Sometimes though I do get into cleaning “moods” and I just go at it and do everything I can until my back is killing me or I realize and I haven’t eaten in 10 hours and that’s why I feel like passing out. I am halfway OCD though. If and when I clean, I never do a half-ass job, I always make it sparkle. Of course the exception is laundry…for some reason I am always on top of that one.

5. Sometimes I feel like I am not super involved in my children’s everyday lives. Now let me explain…my oldest is just in PreK so there is not too much to be involved in there. I’m talking more at home. I don’t have them in tons of activities or have play dates for them all the time or take them to the park or somewhere where they can play often. Part of this feeling may just be because they are younger and they aren’t quite at the stage to being so involved, but when I see my friends putting their 3 and 4 year olds in karate and modeling and basketball or whatever else it makes me feel like I should be doing more. Part of the reason I am not also has a lot to do with money. Everything is so expensive these days and some months we are just lucky to get our rent paid. I dream of doing all kinds of things with them but until we can get in a better place financially those dreams will remain just so. So in the meantime we stick with doing stuff on our apartment lawn and they haven’t complained yet so I guess I’m ok for now.