Back again so soon?


Hello again! It’s been a few years huh? I wish I could say the not much has changed but that would be the biggest lie I’ve ever told. Now, do I want to go into everything that has happened over the past twenty some odd months, not really, as I’m sure you really don’t care that much. But I guess I will highlight on a few things just to get all 5 of you, actually 4 if we don’t include my grandma, that might read this up to speed.

Let me start by saying I didn’t win the award since I’ve been away from writing, which is why the title still stands. Unfortunately for my children and I we have learned that not everyone we encounter, even people we let into our lives, are worthy of our trust. I now know that I let someone deceive me, and even some of my family members, into thinking that he was dependable enough to eventually become my husband. And even though I ended it when I did, it sure did not come without a multitude of consequences.

The first one being that we became homeless. My children and myself were forcibly removed from where we were living because the person who I thought was taking care of us was in fact not doing so at all. So the 3 of us were left with nowhere to go and almost nothing but the clothes on our backs. My first instinct was to call my mom, as I’m sure most people would, but that didn’t quite pan out. The next call went to my father, which although it was much harder to do, ended with better results.

In October of 2014 we moved into my dad’s house, partially because we had no where else to go, and because he was having knee replacement surgery and would need my help taking care of himself. Everything was going well, he had the surgery and was recovering quite nicely and I had found myself a job that I was really beginning to like. But there is a reason he is my father and unfortunately I am a lot like him. Around Christmas time we really started to butt heads particularly because he thought that I wasn’t doing enough. Enough of what I will never know. But because of that he said we had to go. So then I made another phone call to my mom and got us a new place to stay for a while.

Right after the new year we moved across town to my mother’s house where she and my younger bother live. Things were really looking up. I was promoted into a new department at work and was absolutely loving it. My oldest was in school and loving it. And my little one still got to spend time with grandpa when grandma (mema) had to work. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until one February day when I went to take her over to Grandpa’s house and noticed that something was not right as soon as I pulled in the driveway.

Now that you definitely want to know what happens next I’m going to make you wait. Trust me, it deserves it’s own post.