Potty Training Hell

"Mom, why do I have to do this again...?"

“Mom, why do I have to do this again…?”

Do I really need to elaborate much on this one? My youngest will be 3 in August and she flat-out refuses to use her potty. I have no doubt that she knows how and when to use it, she just won’t. She knows enough to go squat in a corner somewhere when she has to shit and then brings me a clean pull-up and wipes and says “mom, I stinky!” My oldest was trained by the time he was 3 and everyone says that girls are sooo much easier to potty train than boys. And to that I say go fuck yourselves, unless you’re willing to come train her, then I will try to be nice until you fail, and then I will mock you endlessly.


I’m Sorry


I’m sorry that I haven’t posted much lately.

I’m sorry that I have been feeling awful this week so I have done nothing besides keeping the kids alive, and even that was iffy.

I’m sorry that I haven’t wanted to be intimate with my husband.

I’m sorry that I didn’t argue more when they wanted to send my father home from the emergency room and not admit him.

I’m sorry that I didn’t go to his doctor a year ago and insist that he see a diabetes specialist or Endocrinologist.

I’m sorry that there are days where I just want to drop my children off with someone else so I can run away for a while.

I’m sorry that I can’t be there with my dad as much as I would like, even if my dad won’t admit that he needs me right now.

There many things I am sorry about right now, but I really need to do something besides sitting around and having my own little pity party. So this is my five minutes and when it is over I’m going get up and do something that I won’t have to be sorry for, something that I may even be able to be proud of. What are you sorry for? How are you going to fix it?



One Proud Momma!

My boy is not a baby anymore :(

My boy is not a baby anymore 😦

Today my oldest graduated from PreKindergarten and I couldn’t be more happy and sad at the same time. This means he is no longer my baby boy either. I raised an independent, smart, mouthy, young man, but I don’t know if I am ready for him to grow up yet. Next year he will be in Kindergarten, going to school all day five days a week, and they don’t take naps anymore! Don’t get me wrong, I will be glad to have him going all day as opposed to this half-day, 3-hour bullshit but his sister will drive me crazy not having brother to play with in the mornings.

He is going to have a blast next year and I’m sure he would start tomorrow if he could. I hope he maintains that excitement about going to school. He is more than ready to move up, my only concern is that he may not be challenged enough. He will be older than most of his classmates, turning 6 soon after he starts next year, but he has doing things like addition and subtraction for over a year now. He is reading all by himself with very little help and I’m just afraid he will just be taught things he already knows. I am hoping in the next year or two to get him into the gifted program and then that will certainly ease my worries of him not being challenged.

Even though I am not too happy that he is growing up so fast I cannot wait to see how he does when he gets to high school. When he gets to choose his classes and decide how far he wants to push himself. I was very book smart too growing up (I lack in common-sense smarts a little though LOL) and I was always in accelerated English and I took Algebra 1 in eighth grade so I was always with much older students in my math classes. But towards the end of my junior year and all of my senior year I lost my drive, I took dumb classes or had free periods. I hope that my son can keep his drive even if I have to give him a little shove every now and then. I need him to grow up and be rich so he can buy me a nice house someday! As much as I want him to stay driven, the most I can do is make sure that he is always happy.

No Sick Days!?!


They always say there are no sick days when you’re a mom, but I really REALLY needed one today.

Last night I was walking to the kitchen when I stepped on something sharp. So I jump over to the couch to sit down and try to find out what was now stuck in the side of my foot. It was a toothpick, and probably a used one knowing my children. I’m start yelling at my husband to pull this f#$%ing thing out of my foot (quick like a band-aid of course). After he pulls it out he tells me it was at least 1/8th of an inch embedded, if not more. I preformed the usual first aid and washed it with soap and water and applied ointment and a band-aid.

This morning I got up and went to stand I discovered how much pain I was in. My foot is swollen to ogre size and it very red, not to mention the fact that I have to walk like a drunk penguin to not scream every time I put my foot down. Also I have this wicked cold that has had me sounding like a man for the last 3 days, so needless to say I felt like shit all around.

I really needed that sick day today, I needed to rest my voice and stay off my foot and basically just take care of myself  today so I could be at my best for them tomorrow. Unfortunately sick days are not a benefit of being a stay-at-home mommy so I had to tough it out today and it was very rough but hopefully tomorrow will be better…