Why start a blog?


Why do I want to start a blog? Well, why not! Writing is a way a expressing myself that I have not used in a while and I think it would be nice to do it again. And I have a lot on my mind (especially because I am a woman) that I could talk about for days but no one would probably want to listen…or maybe they do. So that is why I want to blog. To get all these strange questions and witty comments and nonsense out of my head. And by doing it that way people can choose whether or not they want to read it. So I guess I should start by saying a few things about myself. I am 26 (almost 27), a mother of two, a wife (sort of…that may take a whole other post to explain that one) and at this moment I am unemployed. For now I think that’s enough that way I am not turning you off by going on and on forever about shit you don’t care about. Oh, and just so I don’t get into any trouble this blog will NOT be pc at all and I kind of have a potty mouth (okay, make that big time), but I will always try to be as grammatically correct as possible.

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