Tales of the not-so-domesticated house wife


I’ve never used liquid fabric softener before but I bought some because I have new bathroom towels and within just a few washes they are stiff and almost crunchy. Will fabric softener help reverse this or do I need to go spend $30 more on new towels? And most importantly how the fuck do I use liquid fabric softener?

So electric toothbrushes are the thing now right? Why do they have to be so big? Along with my new towels I have a new toothbrush holder, but four brushes do not fit in it because my husband and I both have giant electric ones. This is injustice at it’s finest! So I guess my bathroom can look nice or my teeth can look nice, but definitely not both!

Can I just let my kids go naked for the summer so I can cut down on laundry? It seems like I’m doing theirs every other day! And I don’t even want to get into my laundry situation. I always get the top half of my basket clean but the bottom is reserved for the special clothes that have to be hand washed, or hung to dry or anything that might be more time consuming than the normal shit. I have lived off the top half for close to a year now.

Another thing I don’t understand is dry-cleaning, how is it better? Why is it so damn expensive? I own one shirt that claims it must be dry cleaned, so I am probably going to just wear it until it smells so bad that I give in and throw it out because I’m sure it will be out of style by then anyways.

I’ve managed to figure most things out on my own and I’m sure I will work these issues out eventually, or I will just ignore them as usual 😛