How a Spider (Almost) Ruined My Sex Life

This is what a life-ruiner looks like!

This is what a life-ruiner looks like!

The other morning my husband and I wanted to enjoy a little time for ourselves quickly but we were thwarted. He went into the living to check on something and came back into the bedroom panicked and kept telling me to hurry up and come here. He showed me a spider about the size of a cue ball that was just chilling on the floor right next to his computer desk. My husband does not like spiders at all and has been known to run away screaming for me to kill it. I, on the other hand, do not have a problem with spiders if I they aren’t huge or if I know the species, but the one freaked me out almost as much as it did him. Eventually we killed it and we were able to continue our earlier “alone” time but I don’t know if it will ever be the same now…