Since When…?



Since when did the Fourth of July become a whole week long event? Don’t get me wrong, I love fireworks! I love the sounds and the smells and just how magnificent they can look in the sky, this may be partly because I had my first kiss under a beautiful 4th of July firework display, but anyway I digress. I have been hearing fireworks from my home for the last 5 days! Why, just why? Also why is it the Mexicans who are doing this every night? I am not racist by any means but I know that in the neighborhood that I live in, most of them are probably not in this country legally so (in my mind anyway), it begs the question…why are they celebrating Independence Day if they are not even U.S citizens? But it’s not even that which bothers me the most, it’s the fact that they have felt the need to celebrate from the day firework stands opens until it closes for the season.

I have children who have a pretty regular bedtime and I do not appreciate when they get woken up by fire works on the 1st of July at 11 p.m.!!! If it was the fourth I would have no issues with it mostly because I know my children will be going to bed late the evening anyway and by the time they do they will be so exhausted that they wouldn’t wake up for an air horn. In closing, can we please just keep the celebration to the actual day of the holiday…please!