Don’t mind me, I’m just talking with the cat

This is just a look-a-like of my cat. He had enough wisdom to ask for payment before being photographed.

This is just a look-a-like of my cat. He had enough wisdom to ask for payment before being photographed.

Currently we only have one family pet but I truly believe this one is a source of infinite wisdom. We have been through our fair share of pets, cats and dogs both and either they didn’t gel well with the family or they ran off. Somehow we ended up with this majestic animal and I believe he will be with us forever and here is why:

  1. He doesn’t have a name, I mean, how fuckin cool is that? My cat is such a G that he doesn’t even have a name so people can’t call him, but he can come to you whenever he wants.
  2. He runs away from the kids, especially the youngest. How smart is that!?! He just knows she looks dangerous so he steers clear.
  3. He is big, and by big I mean HUGE! He is not over weight he is just very tall and very long, over 3 feet from his nose to the end of his tail!
  4. He has been marked with an “M” on his forehead. (search Google, because I am apparently not smart enough to create a link)
  5. He sheds awful amounts because he want you to remember him anytime you try to leave with the copious amounts of ginger fur he has left all over every article of clothing you own.
  6. He knows who takes care of him best.
  7. He always waits until right after I put the kids in bed and then he pops his head out of my doorway and then runs to me.
  8. He will lay with the kids if they are not feeling well. If one of them has a fever he is right there beside them.
  9. He has no claws, but he still uses the scratching post. That just maybe something that I love about him more than him being wise though.
  10. He knows exactly how to interrupt anything I am doing so that he becomes priority #1.

So here is a toast to my wonderful cat, he-who-must-not-be-named. I must go now though because I have a strange feeling that he is plotting my death if he doesn’t get his quality time with me soon.