Another one bites the dust



The big 2-7. I know what you’re thinking, 27 is not that old but to me it is 3 years from being ancient. I’m 27 and I’ve still never seen the ocean. I’m 27 and I have never been on an airplane. I don’t have a steady career, I don’t have a college degree, I don’t own my own home, there are just have things that I haven’t done yet at this age and it throws me a little. Most of my classmates or friends my age have already done these things and it kinda makes me feel left behind. I guess I would call this my glass half empty thinking.

In the other side of the glass, I have two beautiful children that I would never give up for any of these things. I have a wonderful husband who puts up with me and all my craziness. I have amazing parents who are still near and willing to help with just about anything. Even though my age is getting scary, all my glass half full things override the glass half empty things. My glass is more like 3/4 full and even though my ‘I’ve never” list is pretty long, I’m very happy with my “I have” list.

To me every age feels old because it’s always the oldest you’ve ever been. One of these days though I will be able to have a much larger “I have” list and I will welcome that day whenever its comes, whether sooner or later.